Highway Page Updates - 2004 (January-June)

June 30:

June 14:

June 12:

June 6:

May 30: After a longer-than-expected hiatus due to computer problems, I'm able to make updates again. Anyway...

May 2: More terminus photo links have been added or updated: IA 31, 37, 45, 83, 127, 165, 173, 183, 191, 192, 236, 244, 300, 301, 324, 347, 362, 370, 385, 978, 982, and 988.

April 11:

April 3:

March 21: The Donnellson bypass is indeed open, as the Keokuk Daily Gate City reported on February 18. So far the only four-lane segment is that between IA 2 and the split of US 218 and IA 27; the rest of it is still two lanes.

March 11: After two weeks in Florida and a busy two weeks at work, I've finally had time to make some updates.

February 15:

February 8: Two minor Freeway Junctions updates: Jeff Morrison spotted a couple of sign changes at I-35 exits 182 and 194, while Ed Breed noticed that there is still no replacement county road marker for the former IA 927 at I-280 exit 1.

February 1:

January 27:

January 7:

January 4:

January 1:

Past updates:

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© 2004 by Jason Hancock